TCL Commands Available in SD (Usage the same as in OpenQM 2.6.6 ---------------------------------- * Comment $ECHO Paragraph tracing ! Synonym for SH ABORT Abort processing and return to command prompt ALIAS Create a temporary alias for a command ANALYSE.FILE Analyse structure and usage of dynamic file ANALYZE.FILE Synonym for ANALYSE.FILE AUTOLOGOUT Set inactivity timer BASIC Compile QMBasic programs BELL Enable or disable audible alarm BUILD.INDEX Build an alternate key index CATALOG Synonym for CATALOGUE CATALOGUE Add program to system catalogue CD Synonym for COMPILE.DICT CLEARDATA Synonym for CLEAR.DATA CLEARINPUT Synonym for CLEAR.INPUT CLEARPROMPTS Synonym for CLEAR.PROMPTS CLEARSELECT Synonym for CLEAR.SELECT CLEAN.ACCOUNT Remove records from $HOLD, $COMO and $SAVEDLISTS CLEAR.ABORT Clear the abort status in an ON.ABORT paragraph CLEAR.DATA Clear the data queue CLEAR.FILE Remove all records from a file CLEAR.INPUT Clear keyboard type-ahead CLEAR.LOCKS Release task locks CLEAR.PROMPTS Clear inline prompt responses CLEAR.SELECT Clear one or all select lists CLEAR.STACK Clear the command stack CLR Clear display CNAME Rename a file or record within a file COMO Activate or deactivate command output files COMPILE.DICT Compile I-types in a dictionary CONFIG Display configuration parameters CONFIGURE.FILE Change file configuration parameters COPY Copy records COPY.LIST Copy a saved select list COPYP Copy command, Pick syntax COUNT Count records CREATE.FILE Create a file CREATE.INDEX Create an alternate key index CS Synonym for CLR CT Display records from a file DATA Add text to the data queue for associated verb or program DATE Display the date and time DATE.FORMAT Selects default date format DEBUG Debug QMBasic program DELETE Delete records from a file DELETE.CATALOG Synonym for DELETE.CATALOGUE DELETE.CATALOGUE Delete a program from the system catalogue DELETE.COMMON Delete a named common block DELETE.FILE Delete a file DELETE.INDEX Delete an alternate key index DELETE.LIST Delete a saved select list DISPLAY Display text DUMP Display records from a file hexadecimal and character format ECHO Disable or enable keyboard echo ED Line editor EDIT Synonym for ED EDIT.LIST Edit a saved select list FORMAT Apply conventional formatting to a QMBasic program FORM.LIST Create a select list from a file record FSTAT Collect and report file statistics GENERATE Generate a QMBasic include record from a dictionary GET.LIST Retrieve a previously saved select list GET.STACK Restore a saved command stack GO Jump to a label within a paragraph HSM Hot Spot Monitor performance monitoring tool HUSH Disable or enable display output IF Conditional execution in paragraphs LIST List records from a file LIST.COMMON List named common blocks LIST.DIFF Form difference of two saved select lists LIST.FILES List details of open files LIST.INDEX List details of an alternate key index LIST.INTER Form intersection of two saved select lists LIST.ITEM List records from a file in internal format LIST.LABEL List records from a file in address label format LIST.LOCKS List task lock status LIST.READU List file, read and update locks LIST.UNION Form union of two saved select lists LIST.VARS List user @-variables LISTF List all files defined in the VOC LISTFL List all local files defined in the VOC LISTFR List all remote files defined in the VOC LISTK List all keywords defined in the VOC LISTPA List all paragraphs defined in the VOC LISTPH List all phrases defined in the VOC LISTQ List all indirect file references in the VOC LISTR List all remote items defined in the VOC LISTS List all sentences defined in the VOC LISTU List users currently in QM LISTV List all verbs defined in the VOC LOCK Set a task lock LOGMSG Write a message to the error log LOGOUT Terminate a phantom process LOGTO Change to an alternative account LOOP / REPEAT Defines loop within paragraph MAKE.INDEX Create and build an alternate key index MAP Display a list of the catalogue contents MERGE.LIST Create a select list by merging two other lists MESSAGE Send a message to selected other users MODIFY Modify records in a file NLS Set or report national language support values NSELECT Remove items from a select list OFF Synonym for QUIT OPTION Set, clear or display options PAUSE Display "Press return to continue" prompt PDEBUG Runs the phantom debugger PDUMP Generate a process dump file PHANTOM Initiate a background process PRINTER Administer print units PSTAT Report process status QSELECT Construct a select list from the content of selected records QUIT Terminate session or revert to lower command level RELEASE Release record or file locks RENAME Synonym for CNAME REPORT.SRC Display @SYSTEM.RETURN.CODE at command prompt REPORT.STYLE Sets the default style for query processor reports RUN Run a compiled QMBasic program SAVE.LIST Save a select list SAVE.STACK Save the command stack SEARCH Search file for records containing string(s) SELECT Select records meeting criteria SED Full screen editor SET Set a user @variable SET.DATE Set QM processing date SET.DEVICE Attach a tape device SET.EXIT.STATS Set final exit status value SET.FILE Set a Q-pointer to a remote file SET.TRIGGER Set, remove or display trigger function for a dynamic file SETPTR Set print unit characteristics SH Execute shell command SHOW Build select list interactively SLEEP Suspend process until specified time SORT List records sorted by record key SORT.ITEM List records sorted by record key in internal format SORT.LABEL List records in address label format, sorted by record key SP.CLOSE Close a print unit previously in "keep open" mode SP.OPEN Open a print unit in "keep open" mode SP.VIEW View and print records from $HOLD or other files SPOOL Send record(s) to the printer SSELECT Select records meeting criteria, sorting list by record key STATUS Display list of active phantom processes STOP Terminate an active paragraph SUM Report total of named fields TERM Set or display terminal window size TIME Display date and time UNLOCK Unlock a record or file UPDATE.ACCOUNT Update VOC items from NEWVOC UPDATE.RECORD Utility to update records in file WHO Display user number and account name WHERE Display pathname of current account Commands only available to administrators ----------------------------------------- CREATE.ACCOUNT Make a new QM account DELETE.ACCOUNT Delete a QM account Not available - source code for CRYPTO was not provided in original GPL release ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE.KEY Creates a data encryption key DELETE.KEY Deletes a data encryption key ENCRYPT.FILE Applies encryption to a file GRANT.KEY Grants access to a data encryption key LIST.KEYS Lists details of encryption keys RESET.MASTER.KEY Resets the master encryption key REVOKE.KEY Removes access to a data encryption key OpenQM 2.6.6 TCL Commands not available in SD --------------------------------------------- ACCOUNT.RESTORE ACCOUNT-SAVE ADMIN.USER BLOCK.PRINT BLOCK.TERM CREATE.USER DELETE.USER FIND.ACCOUNT FILE.SAVE HELP LIST.USERS LISTM LISTPQ LOGIN.PORT MED PASSWORD PTERM RESTORE.ACCOUNTS SECURITY SEL.RESTORE SET.ENCRYPTION.KEY.NAME SETPORT SET.QUEUE SP.ASSIGN T.ATT T.DET T.DUMP T.EOD T.FWD T.LOAD T.RDLBL T.READ T.REW T.STAT T.WEOF UPDATE.LICENCE